5 Commons Signs You Need A Root Canal
Many personal anecdotes from patients have revealed the diverse use of root canal therapy in dental treatment. Root canal therapy is a popular procedure used as a measure of dental triage for a wide variety of dental issues and trauma. But among so many different kinds of dental cases, how would you know if your toothache is a prime candidate for a root canal? If you keep a look-out for some very peculiar dental symptoms, you may indeed be able to crack the code to find out if you, in fact, do need a root canal!
mask or correct such problems.
What is a root canal?
Endodontic procedures treat the inside of the tooth. Root canal treatment is one type of endodontic treatment. A Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is an endodontic procedure that strives to save a decaying, diseased, or dying tooth and relieve dental pain. A tooth exposed to decay may be susceptible to gross damage and without proper intervention may require root canal therapy.
The pulp is the living tissue found inside a tooth that determines the viability of the tooth. It consists of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue and extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root. During root canal therapy, any living tissue within the teeth including the pulp and nerves along with the decay is removed. The general dentist or a specialist called endodontist then proceeds to clean and disinfect the canals, shapes it, and packs the tooth with proper dental materials to preserve the tooth and its functional abilities.
The American Dental Association (ADA) informs that in general, the patients who receive a root canal present with inflammation or infection in the roots of a tooth. This may be caused due to deep cavities, repeated dental procedures that irritate the pulp, or a cracked or fractured tooth. If left untreated, the tissues surrounding the tooth root may get infected and cause pain, swelling, and abscess formation (pus-pockets).
How do I know if I need a root canal?
Many common dental complaints can be a sign for you to get root canal therapy. While these dental problems may not inherently call for an RCT or any comprehensive treatment at all, there are several warning signs you need to look out for. 4Smile brings to you a list of tell-tale signs according to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) for you to know if it is time for you to get a root canal.
- Severe pain while chewing or biting
Pain is one of the guaranteed indicators that something is wrong with the root of your tooth. If you are consistently going through pain when eating, chewing or light teeth grazing, and cannot seem to get rid of the incessant pain, it may be an issue to be solved by your endodontist. Continuous bouts of pain, sometimes even presenting as referred pain to the face, jaw or other teeth may be a striking sign that you need a root canal. Antibiotics may fix these types of infections. Visit a dentist as soon as you begin experiencing severe pain in order to nip your pain and dental problems in the bud!
- A chipped or cracked tooth
If you have recently chipped a tooth due to an accident, eating hard foods, or during contact sports, you may be at a higher risk of damaging your tissues and tooth nerves. An infection in the root of the tooth can spread via the bloodstream and lead to widespread infection and pain. Let a dentist inspect your dental injury to confirm or rule out the need for root canal therapy. 4Smile can help you get in contact with some of the finest endodontists to help correct the dental damage you have incurred.
- Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold, even after the sensation has been removed
Another one of the common red flags for you to be sure that you need a root canal is tooth sensitivity. If you have experienced sensitivity when you are indulging in an ice-cream bar or when you are downing your daily cup of sizzling hot coffee, it may be an indication of chronic tooth infection. If hypersensitivity persists for a long time even after the stimulus has been removed, it could be a sign that your teeth are infected or damaged and hence you may be in need of a root canal.
- Swollen or tender gums
Swollen gums around the site of tooth decay or pain may be a sign of an issue that needs a root canal treatment. The swelling may be tender and inconsistent, or you may have a small ‘pimple’ on the gum surface resembling a boil. This gum boil may ooze pus and is diagnostic of an abscess. Your dentist will examine your swollen gums to see if any underlying inflammation may be the cause.
- Tooth discoloration
Oftentimes, teeth may be discolored or darkened following sudden and critical impact. Trauma to the tooth either due to accidents or violence and internal breakdown of the tooth tissues may give the tooth a grayish-black hue. This is a good indication of root canal therapy.
The conclusion
Understanding and acknowledging the indicative signs of root canal procedure as early as possible is extremely crucial for you to get treatment earlier and prevent further deterioration of oral health. The pain is multiplied ten folds if you do not seek dental treatment and choose to continue with your damaged or defective teeth than the pain caused by the root canal procedure. It is important to address even the tiniest of dental concerns so that an extensive treatment plan can immediately be put into action.
Because the tooth may become fragile after a root canal, a dental crown is placed on top of the treated tooth to protect its integrity and give it support. The treatment will restore the functionality of the tooth and give you the confidence to share your smile with the world. Call 4Smile today to learn more about the procedure today!